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Independent Advisory

Secure Supply Chains offers Independent Advisory to activities involving physical precious metals worldwide.

Independently of where along the Physical Precious Metal Supply Chain Your business is active,

the added value for an independent view, suggestion or collaboration remains undisputed.

From Mine to Market the global precious metal industry's various stakeholders all have their own

particular take on, and requirements for, the management of their material.

Whether a refinery, a bullion bank, trading house, logistics partner, airline, technology provider or insurance company;

All parties are ultimately linked together like bricks in a brick wall.

Secure Supply Chains improves the quality of the cement holding these bricks together, recognizing the trust and integrity so fundamental to the industry and enhancing the standards and efficiency of the physical operations for all parties involved.

Areas of Expertise

We directly or indirectly cover all areas and segments along the physical precious metals supply chain.

No matter who You are or where Your business takes You we know and understand Your role and relationship to the physical market and can add significant value to Your business.

Support Models

We work with You - not for You.

Your requirements, style and preference are paramount and the basis for any Your support request.

Our added value lies in siding with You to approach challenges from Your own, unique perspective while offering a 360' view combined with direct, personal experience.


Worldwide Reach

With presence and experience in virtually all centers of the Global Physical Precious Metals Market we recognize its interlinked nature and complex value chain.

The financial centers of Singapore, London and New York, the gateways of Zurich, Dubai and Hong Kong with the physical markets of India and China contrasting those of Turkey and Germany.

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